Can Sore Muscles After Workout Cause You to Gain Weight

Almost anyone who has ever stepped inside of a gym has experienced muscle soreness.

It usually starts not long after the workout is done, and often it's worst after two days.

In fact, muscles soreness can sometimes be so severe that you have to take a complete break from physical activity.

Sometimes this happens with beginner lifters who take on too much training too soon and don't allow their body to recover.

To avoid excessive amounts of muscle soreness, it's a good idea to increase the amount of training volume you're doing gradually.

And if you're just starting out, start small.

There is no rush. This is a long journey and sustainability is the key.

Is There A Way To Completely Avoid Muscle Soreness?

Some say that having sore muscles means a good workout.

The truth is, soreness is simply an indicator of inflammation in connective tissue.

The primary goal of your training is to get stronger, and not necessarily to get sore.

For example: If the aim is just to get sore you could do 45 minutes of downhill running. You won't be able to walk for two days. Will that get you stronger and build muscle? Not really.

Over the years as you get more and more experienced you'll most likely feel less soreness.

And if you're dealing with some right now you can speed up recovery with:
– Taking walks. Contrary to popular belief low-intensity activity also called active recovery would reduce soreness more than just lying in bed.
– Foam rolling. There is some indication that foam rolling can help with soreness.
– Get plenty of sleep. This one is a no-brainer, we know that sleep plays a vital role in recovery.
– Eat a healthy diet made mainly out of whole healthy unprocessed foods with plenty of lean protein, fruits, and vegetables.
– Don't forget to stay hydrated.

Static Stretching to Reduce Pain

  • After every workout for 15 minutes
  • Before bed for 15 minutes

Note: Generally it's not a good idea to do static stretches immeditely before weight lifting as it can impact you force output.

Additionally, stretching can be a pain relief, but there's no indication that it helps speed up recovery from soreness.

Before the workout, perform dynamic stretches and warm-up sets to get your joints, muscles, and tendons ready.

Can Muscle Soreness Cause Weight Gain?

When your tissue is recovering from muscle soreness there indeed could be fluid retention.

And this 2-5lbs change on the weight scale can sometimes be very confusing if you're not sure why your weight is fluctuating.

However, within 72h bodyweight will go back to normal.

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