How To Find Motivation for Fitness When You’re In a Bad Environment With No Support

W. Clement Stone, a successful business from once said “You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success – or are they holding you back?”

This all makes sense but the question is:  What can you do about this? What can you do if you don't have the option to change your environment?

As an online Fitness coach, I got this question from one of my viewers on how to get motivated to achieve your fitness goals in a bad environment and it made me think what would be some things that are in your power that you can do to learn and keep yourself motivated.

Here are 2 quick tips that you can implement right now to overcome this issue.

  1. Use the power of Social Media to surround yourself with successful, motivational health and fitness role models.
  2. Use Inverse logic to learn from your environment and instantly move yourself toward success.

So let's break it down:

The Right Way To Use Social Media To Achieve Your Goal

Same as you wouldn't want to breathe bad air or drink polluted water it's your duty to filter what content you let in your head on a daily basis.

Social media sites like Facebook are a big part of our day, we spend a lot of time on these websites and most people are not using this fact to their advantage.

Image if you could replace those time wasters like 9GAG, Buzzfeed and gossip articles with motivational health and fitness people and pages.

The average person absorbs so much of this low quality, low consciousness BS content every day without even realizing it. Instead of falling into that trap you can easily modify your News Feed on Facebook to include only positive, motivational and inspirational content that will move you toward your goal.

This is just one example, you can also do the same with subscribing to YouTube channels, Email Newsletters, you can literally “brainwash” yourself into success instead of simply being another sheep that feeds on whatever media serves you.

The media doesn't give a fu** about your goal, it just wants clicks and views, creating more successful people is actually bad for media because these people don't even have a TV in their home, they live their life the way they want to.

Make the change, shift your mindset and start filtering what goes into your head. This will make a huge difference in your life not only for fitness and health goals but for every other goal.

Using The Power Of Inverse Logic To Learn From Bad Examples

Bad environments are not all that bad, you can the power of inversion to learn from all the bad choices people make around you. All it takes is a shift in perspective, the most successful people learn equally from failure as they do from other success.

The way you can do is pretty much look at exactly what people who are NOT close to your goal do and do the opposite or don't do that. If the people in your environment are not taking action, not reading books, eating loads of junk food, avoiding exercising, not challenging themselves and just letting life pass by all of these are examples of what you should NOT do if you want to be successful and reach your goal.

Use these examples of negative behaviors to create a NOT To-Do list and use the list as a guideline to what you need to avoid at all cost.

We can learn a lot from others, that's one of the things that makes humans pass on knowledge so quickly and powerfully. Our lifetime is too short to experience everything so our brains are really good at learning from mistakes that others make.

Thanks for reading!

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